Welcome to the website for Senior Design in the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University. Since the department has moved to a track system, it was decided that all tracks do not need the same type of capstone project. Some would be ok with a single semester, others would need two semesters. Some would be development projects, but others could be theoretical, such as coming up with algorithms, proofs, etc.
Note that typically capstone projects do not have a significant amount of new content being taught (i.e. like a class). Instead, students pull together their knowledge and skills from different courses to implement/solve when working on their project. The work is meant to be challenging and interesting and should be something that students can show off (as a poster/paper/demo) to potential employers or colleges. The Computer Science department would like each undergraduate to go through the entrepreneurship experience as part of their curriculum. Not everyone might be using that experience, but it might still be very helpful.
The department's implementation plan is to have a single course advisor who would make sure that all the projects meet course standards and guidelines but also have one or more faculty project advisors who would actually work with the student(s) for their track.
The course advisor is Dr. Simanta Mitra, 231 Atanasoff Hall, smitra AT iastate DOT edu.