Business Documentation
- Customer Segments (Optional)
- Business Model Canvas (Optional)
- Elevator Pitch (2 mins)
System Documentation
- Requirements TEMPLATE to use for SUBMISSION (SRSTemplate.docx) Guide: ScreenSketches
- Architecture docs TEMPLATE to use for SUBMISSION (SDDesignTemplate.docx) (blockDiag.pdf) (exampleBlockDiagram.pdf)
- API Descriptions (INSTRUCTIONS)
- Maintenance/Developer help (on Wiki -- how to build/run/test project)
- Gitlab for project teams (including CI/CD, including testing using mocking/espresso etc about branches, issues).
Class Documentation
- Web Page for team (INSTRUCTIONS)
- WK05 Oral Presentation (INSTRUCTIONS)
- WK10 Oral Presentation (INSTRUCTIONS)
- Final Presentation (INSTRUCTIONS)
- Final Report (INSTRUCTIONS)
- Video of Final Project (5 mins max)
- Handover Document for clients (INSTRUCTIONS)
- SENIOR EXIT SURVEY (Instructions will be sent via canvas announcement)
- <not required> Poster (INSTRUCTIONS)
Final Versions of all Documents are due by End of Day Friday of Finals Week.